Friday, February 12, 2010

Focus on SCORING sales!

11th Feb 2010, I was given an opportunity to present my solution to a head of department and his key staffs. They are looking for a solution similar to me. That is a good start :)

The presentation went out very smooth and I managed to convince them. During the presentation, I read their body language. I also presented based on their requirements. They are facing with documentation issues. It is their hot issues. So I tuned my presentation to show them how my solution handle the issue. They really impressed.

Next come to commercial. They asked me how much? Once I stated the price, I know they do not have that much budget. We then deliberate and I simply make special offer that is within their reach. They agreed and immediately asked me to submit an official quote.
imagine YOU are wearing no 3 jersey

Well, focus on scoring goals when you have the opportunity! Goaaaaaaaaa............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal! World Cup 2010 is coming soon.

DR Izhar


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